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Saturday, August 23, 2014

Warsaw's Revolt Against the Nazis

After learning in school decades ago about the Warsaw Rising or Uprising as some call it, we got an early start on August 19th to make sure we'd be at the museum of the same name about the time it opened to avoid the huge long queues we'd read about.  We still had to wait a good bit but it was well worth the wait.

The Rising Museum is located in the SW edge of the former ghetto and is housed in a beautifully restored redbrick power station; it traces the history of the 3 month long rising of Warsaw residents against the Germans through three levels of interactive and film displays, photographs and the personal accounts of those who survived.

We found the sheer volume of material to be overwhelming but the museum did an excellent job instilling visitors with a sense of desperation Varsovians (residents of Warsaw) faced during the war.

Janina: thought of you obviously when reading this.

Zachary: Thought you'd appreciate the largest
exhibit, a Liberation bomber similar to those planes
used to drop supplies for insurgents during the rising.

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